
Mana Tahaie


Mana Tahaie is a first-generation Iranian-American and a lifelong red state progressive. Rooted in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Mana volunteers for the Terence Crutcher Foundation, organizes with the Demanding a JUSTulsa campaign for police reform, chairs a United Way community investment panel, and advises the Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits. Mana previously served as convener of Changing the Status Quo, on the DEI committee of Mental Health Association Oklahoma, and on the board of Center for New Community. From 2008-2017, Mana worked at YWCA Tulsa; first as the inaugural Director of Racial Justice, later as the Director of Mission Impact, and finally as interim Director of Immigrant & Refugee Services. Before joining YWCA Tulsa, Mana served as the first Deputy Director of the LGBTQ+ organization Oklahomans for Equality. She envisions a world without punishment, where bodily autonomy and community safety are human rights guaranteed to all.